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Make It With You (Cover Version of David Gates - The Bread)

Make It With You ... After months absent singing this song, it has rusted some part of the song. I used to sing a lot of their songs and now it's time to revive it back again. Still plenty of room to further improve this song. LOL ... I still share this out too. I also wanna make it with you .... American Got Talents would be end of summer and preparing for that too. Make It With You . Whenever you see a (E) which indicated it had been enhanced using youtube tools to make it louder. If you unable to watch the video over this blog, please click here. Published on Feb 7, 2014 Ref: 20140217-00051-2015071402-00120-

Everything I Own (Cover Version of David Gates - The Bread)

Everything I Own ... 41 years ago today, Bread – the band, not the tasty baked treat – released the single that gave them their fourth top-five hit on the Billboard Hot 100. Like the three big hits that preceded it, “Everything I Own” was written by David Gates, who – along with Jimmy Griffin and Rob Royer – was one of the founding members of Bread. The song was written by Gates as a tribute to his late father. “My success would’ve been so special to him, as he was my greatest influence,” Gates said in the book 1000 UK #1 Hits. “So I decided to write and record ‘Everything I Own’ about him. If you listen to he words, ‘You sheltered me

Baby I'm-a Want You (Cover Version of David Gates - The Bread)

Baby I'm A Want YOU ... First attempt to record this beautiful song and was with me a long time. Finally it came back to me again and decided to record it too. In fact there are many songs written by David Gates were excellent and love it so much. Unfortunately he is not in facebook. But his musical group is here. Baby I'm-a Want You Whenever you see a (E) which indicated it had been enhanced using youtube tools to make it louder. If you unable to watch the video over this blog, please click here. and over in facebook, Published on Feb 7, 2014 Ref: 20140217-00051-201507

Ship (Cover Version of Barry Manilow)

Ship This beautiful song had disappeared from me for many years. Somehow I accidentally re-discover back this song and have great passion to sing this song badly. So let me ship this song to your ears first time and hope you enjoy shipping within your soul with a smile on my face. If you can watch it in this blog, please click here to open a new windows of youtube directly. Ship (Cover Version of Barry Manilow) Published on May 24, 2014 Ref: 20140524-00002-SUNP0001 Karaoke, Pub, Preparation, Cover Version, Singing, Pratice, 2014 FB: Backup FB:

Sunshine On My Shoulder (Cover Version of John Denver)

Sunshine On My Shoulder This is one special duet with Barry Manilow and John Denver. First part of the singing I sang with both of my beloved talented musical artist and the second part of it was a karaoke version. So brace yourself with some surprises when came to know there are 3 voices and itself makes me smile. Singing this song really makes me high and happy. John Denver had gone and fortunately Barry Manilow still around with us. Longing to meet him someday. happy listening that gonna makes you high and happy. Whenever you see a (E) which indicated it had been enhanced using youtube tools to make it louder. If you

Phantom of Opera - Think of Me (Cover Version of Emmy Rossum)

Think of Me  I am singing this beautiful song pick from Phantom of Opera. This beautiful lady Emmy Rossum had a very wonderful heavenly voices. I felt in love so much on her voices for this song and began to take serious interest learning to sing like her too. So think of me when comes to vote me in the voice or xfactor or BGT or AGT ... whatever whenever you see me on TV or stage, please think of me and vote me in too. have a wonderful day and smile please when think of me. BTW Happy Easter ... think of the rabbit and cock too ...   Think of Me Whenever you see a (E) which indicated it had been enhanced using

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