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Honesty (Cover Version of Billy Joel​)

Honesty .. These days the whole world had been ruined by EVIL PARASITES worshiping the BLOODY CROOKY SH*T way of life and we really in need the song HONESTY to revive back out backbone moral stand.  Time to bring back honesty to our lives.  We must very thankful to Billy Joel for this wonderful song that so well written beyond words. We need to roam the whole world with HONESTY.   Honesty Whenever you see a (E) which indicated it had been enhanced using youtube tools to make it louder. If you unable to watch the video over this blog, please click Honesty. If you unable to watch the video over this blog, please click

Somewhere (Cover Version of Barbra Streisand​)

Somewhere Right after my late beloved mummy died 13th July 2009 on the BLOODY hazed day, I began take singing seriously even my late beloved father disagreed. One of my first video upload to youtube was the year 2010. Uploaded on May 18, 2010 with the message Dedicated to my evergreen singer - Barbra Streisand for all the songs that she has sang for us. I love all Barbara Streisand's songs. Frankly I also wish can sing with her a duet song someday in the near future. She is one of my dearest mentor for my spirituality vocal guidance. * Whenever you see a (E) which indicated it had been enhanced using youtube tools to m

Sealed with a Kiss (Cover Version of Bobby Vinton)

SEALED With A KISS Seal with a kiss is one of the song reminded me one of my love boat had sunk like titanic ship. Fortunately this lovely song stay in my heart and sang that song in Sunderland. I was play the acoustic guitar and really having a heavenly feeling in my HEART FELT HOMEland of my heart. Once I will have my own resident in his homeland so that seagulls birds will always stay close to my heart. Sending all my love to seagulls ....   Sealed with a Kiss. Whenever you see a (E) which indicated it had been enhanced using youtube tools to make it louder. If you unable to watch the video over this blo

Widuri (Indonesian Song)

Widuri  ... When I was in Sunderland, Dec 27th, 2013, I sang this song and do missed this song badly too. I used to sing Malay and Indonesian song very well too. My late beloved father's mother was nyonya baba from Malacca and my late beloved father's father side also have nyonya baba from Penang, Thailand, and do have Chinese and Japanese linage too. I am thankful to all my ancestors and hope I also have portuguese and netherland blood lineage too. Once I get my DNA check it out, I am certain where was my lineage from in details that would be reveals without bias  ... Widuri If you can't view the video on this blog, pleas

Release me (Cover Version of Engelbert Humperdinck)

Release Me. Practicing for RELEASE (Nibbana). There are many types of RELEASE ME. 1st one is the one release from the EVIL REGIME of MALUsial or also known as meLIESial after the mh370 gone missing without any single trace of sh*tty delusive dead corpses. 2nd one would be special dedication to my new love to USA, my dear new darling of United States of America and strong supporter of our most beloved Donald J. Trump. We love our new great American hero that gonna make AMERICA great again. Please help us to bring back the glory of AMERICA again. 3rd one would be the one entering the path of the sotapanna. Release me When

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